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ARTICLE 1 - Personal Scope
ARTICLE 2 - Taxes Covered
ARTICLE 3 - General Definitions
ARTICLE 4 - Residence
ARTICLE 5 - Permanent Establishment
ARTICLE 6 - Income from Real Property or Immovable Property
ARTICLE 7 - Business Profits
ARTICLE 8 - Ships and Aircraft
ARTICLE 9 - Associated Enterprises
ARTICLE 10 - Dividends
ARTICLE 11 - Interest
ARTICLE 12 - Royalties
ARTICLE 13 - Alienation of Property
ARTICLE 14 - Independent Personal Services
ARTICLE 15 - Dependent Personal Services
ARTICLE 16 - Directors' Fees
ARTICLE 17 - Entertainers
ARTICLE 18 - Pensions and Annuities
ARTICLE 19 - Government Service
ARTICLE 20 - Professors and Teachers
ARTICLE 21 - Students and Trainees
ARTICLE 22 - Income Not Expressly Mentioned
ARTICLE 23 - Source of Income
ARTICLE 24 - Methods of Elimination of Double Taxation
#ARTICLE 24A - Non-Discrimination
ARTICLE 25 - Mutual Agreement Procedure
*ARTICLE 26 - Exchange of Information
#ARTICLE 26A - Assistance in the Collection of Taxes
ARTICLE 27 - Diplomatic and Consular Officials
ARTICLE 28 - Entry into Force
ARTICLE 29 - Termination